Friday, March 26, 2010

Can I Put Aveeno Lotion On My Tattoo

Basic Course Venetian mask.
individual classes 2 hours per week. The course lasts 2 months
The course consists of step by step of this traditional art Italiano.Técnicas and tips: How to prepare the paper mache, how to prepare cartapesta, different painting techniques and modern textures.
simulate the history of Venetian Carnival masks, and masks of characters from Opera, encrusted with sequins, beads, stones, embroidered fabrics, etc.


Venetian full face mask for use or decoration. Decorated with embroidered and painted cloth, pearls, and white crackle base.

Mask gold and copper feminine lace and pearls applications.

male Mask crackle and plateado.Terminado dimensional textured with drawstring.

male Mask dimensional textured with gold and oil painted in three colors.

female Antifaz dimensional textured with gold and painted versions of the same design oleo.Dos.

female Antifaz dimensional textured with gold and golden glitter. The base in this case is beige.

male golden Mask and painted with freehand drawings with dimensional paint in oil and edge dorada.Colores cord.

Atifaz unisex, preferably male with complete decoration painting: oil and gold dimensional.

black mask decorated with glitter.
cord edge in several colors

Mask male with musical notes, natural color base and painted in gold.

Four options of the same design, dimensional color gold on the basis of oil, preferentente to wear.

Three designs with subtle variations, male Mask: oil, patina and dimensional.

female model skated lightly spray painted in pastel colors, decorated with ribbon trimmings glitter.terminado.

painted cat design in gold, decorated with dimensional and three-color oil.

Design cat, white with silver glitter and gold natural.

Figure of Operaclásica, short-beaked bird on two similar for.

Figure Opera, long-beaked bird or Capitano. the combination of golden colors give it a personal variation.

This figure of Opera, received many names, one being the Commander, usually a single color hecerse this is a variant of three colors.

Venetian full-face mask, ideal for decoration inspired by Chinese designs Carnival: very drawn and colorful.

Venetian mask-based full-face four metallic shades and designs with glitter, eyes have strass stones.

This entire face is widely used by designers Venetian, has a porcelain finish and is gilded.

Two versions of the same design, the whole face, Venetian mask with gold leaf and painted in oil.

whole face in two colors with glitter designs made in three versions: negroy white, blue and red and white blanoc.

done version of Harlequin mask, decorated with beads and bells pasmanería is blue and gold patina and drawn with glitter.

Arlequin done on mask with braid details and bells.

Face Jester whole of the king, the Classical Opera, with ten points simulated hat, decorated with beads, bells and upholstery fabric painted in oil and gold.

bra to wear masks in front of the face.