At last, the day of the expedition arrived. Sakti had expected that day with great enthusiasm and realized that it behaved like a child, but did not let the emotion he felt inside interfered with his usual serenity. Despite the risks she knew that if I entered was in ruins, the idea of \u200b\u200ban expedition excited. Even the bad side to put the girls when they saw the election of their clothing became moody.
- That was in your wardrobe? Merka asked when he saw her coming.
The girl was wearing shorts that hung above the knee and a clear shirt, sleeveless, her dress showed off marks of Prophecy, which grew by the arms and legs, and neck. usually wore clothes that kept completely covered, because if left to see Galatea and wolves had to walk through the streets bearing a few feet under the desert sun. And the itching was brutal. Dagda had a nasty sunburn on one arm, a hand in which he fell asleep next to the window. regularly had to put an ointment Connor prepared for it and yet still could not move my arm without being hurt. She did not want to risk a similar burn, but by that time believed it would not hurt to dress more comfortably.
The ruins were underground, where they had to worry about a sunburn. And if the issue through the ruins was as interesting as he imagined, would rather be wearing something to let her move more easily. dresses did not want anything or long sleeves to prevent him from having a good time.
"Yes," as put his hands in his pockets and kicked the ground with boots. knew her dress was very masculine as compared to Merka was used to seeing, but he was willing to be comfortable. Although I had to adjust a bit, I was too big.
"I'm not surprised, merely said the prince, looking at her with narrowed eyes, as if recognizing something in it. seemed that it would add something else, but after negó con la cabeza y disipó sus pensamientos. Luego miró al resto del grupo, preguntando si estaban listos para partir.
—Solo algo más —dijo Sakti.
Dereck le hizo una seña para que se acercara a un puesto que él había preparado para ella. En la mesa había seis espadas diferentes. Cinco de ellas tenían la hoja en forma de curva, y solo una era completamente recta. Sakti las estudió por un momento, calculando el peso de cada una y flexionando la palma de la mano derecha, como preparándose para una nueva arma.
- Only those there? "Asked Derek. Before the guard could answer, the prince asked
-Allena, you're not thinking of going armed, right? "The girl looked at him and shrugged.
- Why not?
"Because you go to a ride, not a battlefield Merka said scornfully. be with me, and Dereck Soel. Here, as in Masca, you do not need to go armed. I am sure that the Palace does not hang out with a sword in his belt, right?
"Of course," replied the girl, like the most logical thing in the world. then took the straight sword. was short, maybe a little longer than half of his arm. actually looked like a big dagger. I took the last two weeks because he was quiet transformation. But since the symptoms passed, I will not go unarmed. Masca not raised me to always rely on the protection of Dereck.
sheathed his sword in a sheath of bronze, which had several spherical protrusions arranged in a particular order. If for some reason could not draw his sword in time, the case would be a good weapon on its own, it could seriously hurt someone's head if the force used. When finished fixing the sword in his belt, Sakti Dereck let you pass a light hood over his shoulders. This amount would cover the body while driving to the ruins and not have to suffer a hideous burn.
When the girl walked past him and went to meet with the wolves, she could only Merka uncomfortable sigh and wonder whether the issue would be a good idea. still was not sure to get Sakti activate the ruins, but began to worry that her niece did not have the character patient who had shown during class transformation. Because when the girl fell from the room, using clothes that his father soon became too small, and choosing sword no matter the implicit prohibition of going armed, Merka thought maybe it would look like Velmi Sakti in character. And if the resemblance was stubbornness, he was going to pass a very difficult time in the coming hours.
"Well, I hope you enjoy the journey," said Ryaul when they reached the main entrance.
was not the same place I entered the restricted area Sakti, unstable ruins the day he arrived Myula. The main entrance was spacious and safe was a firm ramp up to what archaeologists assumed it was a large window, allowing the passage of light and ventilation. After climbing the ramp, came to a large room with no frills, in whose depths were five elevators built by archaeologists to go up and down inside the ruins. As Sakti stepped into the room from the window, the ruins reacted.
shook not, as expected Merka secret. But the faint glow caused by the magic of archaeologists was fired by the power of the princess, forming a beam of light that blinded almost everyone. Sakti to put his hands to his eyes, taken by surprise as the rest of aesirianos. Then the light ceased completely, as if the magic had cast overload the circuits of the ruins. For a moment all were silent, while the stars that danced in their retinas gradually disappeared. For a moment they feared that the ruins were killed by a miscalculation and overload of magic. Luckily in less than a minute the ruins glowed again. now had a light more vivid than that produced the archaeologists themselves, but the walls did not burn the view of people. Now the room looked more details.
"How nice, everything is blue," said Connor to see the color of marble. like the sea in places.
A Sakti it seemed strange that out of the ruins were white like paper, but inwardly they were blue like the sea. " are like Masca Palace", she thought. In fact, the color of the room reminded him of the throne room of his uncle Kardan. At a glance, he realized that Derek, Darius and the twins thought so.
Then the girl looked up, wondering if it would be one of the famous crystal chandeliers were as crazy archaeologists, who wondered how it still remained on the roof and extend its artificial light at night. But instead of the huge chandelier, which he saw was a giant mouth full of teeth and a pair of angry eyes that could well be under a layer of yellow marble. One wolf noticed the look of Sakti and, looking at the ceiling began to bark. The other followed suit.
Nefer retreated to hide behind Merka, the girls were shaken and the prophets were about to run. But seeing that the figure was still, and would remain so until the end of time, let out sighs of relief.
- What is it? Kel asked.
- A dragon! Ryaul replied. You can only see when there are many people here, because the more magicians walls emit light. Today, "he added looking at the princess, we're lucky.
- Is it painted? Dagda asked in amazement.
The dragon had wings and very short front legs, but especially the tail and hind legs were very long and robust. More than made to fly, that sort of looked like a great dragon rider who never escaped her prey. And at that time was likely to be directed towards: the audience. The snout was wide open, with the corners of his mouth lifted in a fierce grimace. And the eyes were fixed on each of the aesirianos who watched from the ground.
But something was not right. The dragon seemed very real, much to the pleasure of Sakti. knew Paints were never in walls or ceilings, marble, because it was common that the scenes depicted in the rock were made with a pen, no brush. Yet the dragon's eyes were dull and no relief. was like he was portrayed in exquisite detail, but from the other side of the roof. As if they had placed a sheet of translucent blue marble on the table, or as if ...
"It is a painting Ryaul said, brimming with happiness. really is a dragon. A fossil preserved in marble.
... As if the dragon was alive and kept in a prison. Sakti swallowed. really a dragon trapped in these walls by thousands upon thousands of years ... Why? what people were thinking that animal put on the roof? Does the dragon had attacked the place and arrested him trapped in the marble? Or maybe the old aesirianos had gone straight to hunt because they were thinking it would be a nice decoration? Whatever the case, did not like it do that the dragon. The First Dragon it condemned that act.
"We also believe," continued the archaeologist, that if the conditions here were different, the dragon will probably still be alive.
"Oh, do not cut it I think, Connor. You're making.
"No, no, not really-Ryaul defended. walls are actually very cold and maybe inside are even more so. That would explain how the body is kept as well. Perhaps if these ruins were not in the desert but in a much colder place, we could try to get the dragon to see if it revives, because some believe they can revive creatures whose bodies remain intact due to low temperatures. This kind of dragon is no longer became extinct long ago. But with a little luck, could be brought back ... Would not it be fantastic to watch?
The prophets looked at the dragon with admiration, thinking about the possibilities ... But for them it was nothing more than an interesting anecdote, something that could read a book without the danger of finding it in real life. were content to see the animal preserved in marble, for them it was enough to have it as decoration. Sakti But it was different.
"Is this what I felt that day?" he asked. "Is that a huge magical force this dragon-like creature? Maybe a creature that was also in marble ... and escaped? ". She asked how old archaeologist aesirianos had caught the creature. How was also possible now to see her through the marble as if the rock was translucent?
We do not know Ryaul replied, shrugging his shoulders. It is one of the many things we do not know of this place. magic Maybe we do not know. Or maybe it's old technology. Although I have some assumptions ...
Ryaul settled his large glasses and gave instructions for the expedition. was obvious he had left the last idea in the air in order to finish later, during a visit to ruins, to surprise the group with their ideas. But to get to that, he had to give a few guidelines to follow. First, the issue was in charge of him and two colleagues, who would guide them through a series of domes, halls and corridors previously approved. Although the path was stable were passing near a precipice which they, given that civilians were not allowed, we thought that would not require the installation of a guardrail that only damage the beautiful floor of the ruins. So everyone had to do the basics: follow the archaeologists, not separated from his group, not to wander alone, look where to walk, not shouting, pushing or running. was obvious that the only people who would have great difficulty following the rules guys would be prophets. Kel And maybe, if it was stimulated by them.
the end, were divided into three groups. One would Darius, Connor and Kel, with Geri and archaeologist guide. The second would Merka, Soel, Freki, the twins and the guide assigned. And the last group would be to Sakti, Dereck, Nefer, two daughters and Ryaul.
"So we can go further," concluded Ryaul field. Sakti But in reality the arrangement was uncomfortable. She saw no need for the presence of the maids or Nefer, saw them as a nuisance. good thing is that was the promise of the cliff, to see if he could throw at least one. And now, to the elevators.
The aesiriano went rushing back to them, assigning each to the groups made. Except Freki Geri and each would ride an elevator to avoid weight problems. Initially imagined all Ryaul was excited to show what was below, within the ruins, and therefore the lift up so much energy. But only a few feet down when they noticed what was funny was so excited to archaeologist.
More creatures in the marble.
elevators moved in parallel to two walls. The one that was closer to them was cut by more regular levels, those closest to the area with flashlights, notebooks and chisels off on some tables, shows that were scanned regularly. As descendants, the presence of articles decreased since the archaeologists used to visit the lower floors. Sometimes the distance between each level was increased and in these large blocks of marble in which they were the creatures. were not high and wide, as the dragon room window. were long and slender, with fins on the sides as if they were fish, but also close to the belly, with small claws. In the back had a long mane of hair that had but a few meters after reaching the tip of the tail. were accommodated in profile, so that their faces could not look full. The only thing good was appreciated long snout and one of the whiskers. His eyes saw no one in particular. They staring at some point in the marble, making it seem less alive than the dragon on the ceiling.
were a kind of sea dragons, some adults, peers and a few offspring. Besides how they caught the beasts, Sakti wondered how they were transported to there. Perhaps thousands of thousands of years there was not a city in the desert, but in the sea? Or before the sea was closer? Or a lake that connected with the ocean?
But the sight of the sea dragons was nothing compared to what the other wall offered. This was like two hundred yards away, and it was completely smooth. undoubtedly was built for those who were on the floor in front of her could see the picture he painted. A huge dragon, the largest ever seen Sakti, was caught in the middle of the wall. Most of his body was accommodated in profile, but its long neck is curved so that the face looking straight ahead. This dragon was white and had more than two pairs of legs. The front was far away from the rest, which were distributed around the long body. She imagined this was how the dragon managed to keep his figure standing without his belly brushed the floor. The wings were long and wide, huge, so big that it seemed that each would cover his sun to an entire city.
But it was only the dragon adorning the wall. It was also much smaller creatures: other dragons a kind of beautiful birds with long, delicate feathers, a giant insect y. ..
-People ... Derek whispered to notice the figures that interact with the creatures. Most were women with long hair, whose arms ended with the same elegance as the tails of phoenixes.
"No, not really-aesirianos Ryaul reassured him. We have studied more closely to make sure. aesirianas figures are the only non-corporeal. are in fact a kind of air bubbles contained in the marble defined very precisely. figures are like some glassmakers formed in the glass ornaments, do you see? "Derek nodded. makes you think about it and patients who were talented artists in this place, right?
A lot. The picture on the wall, created from living creatures and air bubbles, was impressive. Not only had decorative reasons, but also traditional. Because, once again, Sakti noticed the pattern of history of the Three Dragons. always found in some ancient relic of history. On this occasion, by the sequence of images sensed that this was the creation of the Dragons. There was the image of Emperor Odin, there were four hooded figures of the prophets, there was the circle of light which made the Covenant, and there were the three souls of the carriers down from heaven to meet with the three points representing the Dragons.
And while they slept six souls, life in the world continued their march, with wars, disease, death, sun, moon, fire and water, with laughter, tears and life. All pending Dragons, detailed next to one that seemed to expect to cover the world with its strong and protective wings.
"They locked up for me" , thought she and the Dragon. Again, your thoughts, their voices and their findings were fused to confuse who had felt the first. "They locked these dragons to pay tribute to our history" . And so they reached the main level. The girl, still dazed, stepped off the elevator as the door opened Ryaul. How many levels had fallen? was not entirely sure, but I knew I had spent many minutes looking at the scene on the wall. And the dragon was caught very, very, very big. also ached a bit the ears. They must be at a considerable depth.
Ryaul guide and archeologist uncle opened the elevators of the wolves, and went to join the other group. Darius and the boys looked at a wall, formed in a straight line.
"Oh, can not be ... "Muttered one of the twins. This very interesting ...
-... is chilling-ended another. Sakti approached them with his eyes fixed on the floor, concentrating on his attempt to relieve the pressure he felt in one ear. But then he heard his name
"These things are exactly like Allen.
With that looked up to see the wall on their way. It had several white creatures aesiriano taller than an adult, all formed in a straight line and looking forward, like an army. Were upright on two legs, but her upper body was leaning slightly forward, as if they could better balance the weight when walking. They had not a hint of body hair, did not even have eyebrows. Their faces were slightly elongated, and it was difficult to know if they had nose or mouth. What I knew was that they had long, sharp teeth, whitish like the rest of the body, they excelled in what looked like a smile that covered their faces from ear to ear. His eyes were large rather than a round pupil, who had a long vertical cut iris. No one could guess if they had eyelids, making it seem more savvy and intelligent creatures who never shut the eyes or deviate from his mission ... Whatever.
But the ending of air wild give these creatures was the position of the shoulders and claws as well as the long line at the base of the spine. Instead of straight shoulders, arms, jaws dropped as if they were made of silver and weigh tons. So animals seemed they were about to pounce on their prey. And a long tail and strong only helped them more ferocity. As if they could use as a whip.
Sakti blinked before looking straight into one of the twins.
- And exactly what I look like these creatures? He asked coldly. Dagda did not notice the look of your friend, it still looked stunned creatures.
"Well, now you seem them. But before it, on the boat, with changes in reverse ... If these things had wings, horns and hair, would be a copy of yours when you were between the processing and ultimately reverse the changes.
"What crazy," said Airgetlam turn. really are like Allen. dragon are men and women.
were large reptiles with body aesiriano. O aesirianos bodied reptiles, depending on how you look. But the mixture was clear. Some creatures have the hips, waist and breasts well defined. others had broad shoulders, torso straight and the anatomy of men.
- What are? Connor asked. Your guide said
We do not know, we can not distinguish what is animal. Until we found this section did not know that such things ever existed. And also ... Well, it is not clear why they are here.
"It's obvious why" said Kel, clinging to Darius. to scare people.
"No, they are that they do not understand what role these creatures on the wall. dragons, phoenixes aesirianas and figures tell a story of prophecy. But they said Darius nodded to reptiles, are not part of the picture. Their role is not well defined.
The archaeologist nodded, approving the simple explanation of Darius. it was just what he meant. Why these creatures were there? If they were so chilling, why were at a level of great importance, in a vault in his day which obviously served as a meeting point for thousands of aesirianos? The place where were now was large and had several entrances to tunnels that went wide to different parts of the ruins. That place was so important that even in the center of the dome a few tracks that ran out of a tunnel to enter another.
-train passed through here, "he said by way of explanation one of the archaeologists.
"Unfortunately, we have not yet found," concluded Ryaul. He noted three tunnels. These connect again, close to the precipice of which I spoke earlier. 'll see similar things in each one of them, but it will be interesting when we meet again and figure out what is the element that makes them unique. So I'll tell you what I discovered, right?
all nodded, because I was not wrong to follow suit of the man who showed them these strange wonders. After lighting a couple of lamps for groups of Darius and Merka, separated.
"Our group does not need lamps Ryaul said while leading the march for the third tunnel. His powers us illuminate, Your Highness.
Sakti took a deep breath and followed the archaeologist. As he passed the entrance looked out the corner of my eye, the creatures were arranged on the walls, as if circumvented, as observed with attention to every person who walked through the halls that they were guarding. She could not stop caressing the hilt of his sword, bring grateful. Because it was a precaution taken by considering the presence he had felt the first day Myula. How odd that not feel now. And what a relief, too. Because if it was something similar or worse than those reptilian bipeds ... Well, it would be a pretty picture to see. kept walking, wondering what else they find in their path.
Initially, the three groups watched the same scenes in different tunnels blue marble was still at that level and were only caught the strange bipedal reptiles. There were other figures, no dragons, phoenixes, or simulate air bubbles be aesirianos. The hallways were wide and high ceilings, so as not hard to imagine caravans traveling through the tunnels like a mountain roads. The idea of \u200b\u200ba gigantic city that used as a transport carts, pack animals and trains was nothing crazy, it made perfect sense if you thought that the ancient inhabitants of that place could not to walk long distances without tiring .
only thing that did not fit were the bipedal reptiles. What kind of creatures would be enough for the old aesirianos may transit tunnels without feeling chills? Why were placed all well, looking forward, as if they were watching the walkers? Darius beginning to believe that Kel was right: those things were there to scare people. Perhaps then the question was why.
was funny how the head was turning to the idea. When he realized what he was immersed in it, it said Merka was playing very well to distraction with this issue. Now he had a new question: what did you expect out Merka of all this? So just delaying the request for government assistance? Come to think, that had no sense. If the prince was so sure that his brothers would not support Masca, then why the refusal to continue slowing Sakti? Why was afraid of losing? Did he fear that she was going to save Masca alone?
-Ah, ha, ah ... "she whimpered Connor by his side. Then Kel and he was beaten on the sides, like a pair of helpless children.
- What happens? He asked. The two were about to fall.
"Those things are very afraid," he apologized Connor, pointing to the creatures in the marble.
- I am sure that one moved! And look at us! Kel-continued. Darius sighed. could accept such behavior from Kel, because after all the Grolier did not have ten years. was a child with all of the law. But Connor, but he was a puppy aesiriano was already very big boy for such childish fears.
"You can not move because they are not alive," said stroking the head of Grolier. They can not hurt us and so there is no reason to fear them. And Connor ... "he added looking at his son, and you will be twenty years, right?
I should not say anything more to help your child understand what he meant. Connor pouted and left him, but not enough to stop touching him walking.
"That just means that my body will be more so soft and fresh for when these things will pierce the tooth," he said dramatically, drawing a smile his father. That comment seemed twins.
- Connor is a coward! -Hum a couple of voices, making Kel and Connor jumped. The voices had sounded across the wall. And Kel too! "They said. laughter soon followed.
- Dagda! Airgetlam! Connor shouted, angry to discover the joke of his brothers. But looked everywhere but could not see them.
- The tunnels are parallel? Darius asked his guide, he remembered that at first were separated in other ways and seemed to take different inclinations.
"Yes, and also come to intersect at some points," the archaeologist of the group of twins, the other side of the wall.
"Unless you walk with care, this place can become a maze," said the guide Darius.
Connor and his brothers were arguing through the walls, while still walking. Wolves also participated from time to time in the verbal battle, which lightened the atmosphere. At least no one was secretly scared by the creatures on the walls, which was a relief.
Then the boys began to sing. Darius thought their children wanted to ease tension over the child, but realized by the choice of song they really wanted to annoy Merka. was one of the songs played Telius crew while working on deck and had used more frequently during the trip to the Kingdom of the Sands because it annoyed to Dereck.
'Round and waves at sea,
constantly smashing their boats.
What treasures, what beauty,
destroyed by their strength.
Oops! King will be angry!
was sent to the gallows to hang,
but my master began to swim.
No danger, no problem,
because water does not damage a handsome man.
So the stingy no arm movement.
King Because water melts.
Oops! The king is angry! "
- Hey, Allen! Airgetlam cried. Do we hear? Sing too!
I do not think that will listen, "said the guide. The tunnel took the princess is not about this but near the end.
Dagda and his brother said it was a shame, but quickly overcame and continued with the verse:
"Oops! The king is angry! "
Ryaul were told that the building was constructed with several blocks of blue marble, all with the same size and detail. So it seemed that the city is carved directly into the rock, it was perfect, had no cracks or inequalities in the walls allowed to see the individual blocks. Just as he was explaining how he and his colleagues believed they had carried and placed the marble to that place, heard the song of the prophets into the distance, walking the aisles like an echo. Words are not clearly understood, but rhythm and some loose sounds betrayed their meaning.
"Oh, but what bad taste! Muttered one of the maids. He said it as if to his companion only listen, but it was obvious that he wanted everyone to hear, especially Sakti. A pirate song. sad thing is they have left ring finger.
vulgar, Cerina-la supported the other. is difficult to understand how our princess and tolerable. is a miracle to be as educated as it is.
"It's the blood. tell when a person has good lineage, and the princess have serena blood of his mother and his father's brave. specimens were both copies of the Aesir clan Cerina said in explanation. Sakti said nothing, but it seemed a mess that woman to win points with her look with a comment so superficial and lacking in good arguments. However, these have nothing worthwhile. Any good trait that may have inherited from the tonare went down the drain for the blood of the fox mother of mestizo. Like any bastard, he is a shame for a family of noble birth. bastards why should not bother birth.
Upon hearing this, Derek and Sakti stopped at the same time, both with his mouth open in astonishment. A Dereck give a damn about discretion. neck just turned and looked at the woman, not understanding how he could have said that. Merka had worried about looking for a pair of aesirianas good presentation and brought up to be maids of Sakti, would not allow anyone to stand by his niece. But apparently the education of women worth less than the sand in the desert, because these manners were a true mess. to Fustus they had better manners. Sakti And he believed the same.
" to the gallows, the john,
nowhere is a zero.
Beats the cheap without care,
piglets doing with your ... "
-Ah, ah, shut-called Merka while her hands to her ears and rubbing them as if to leave them clean and free of vulgarity. They're kids, they should not have those words in the mouth. "But the twins could only laugh before continuing with the refrain:
" Oops! King will be angry! "
In his tunnel, Darius chuckled low. was not a big fan of pirate songs and in other circumstances would not allow their children to sing, but he was amused that the twins made fun of the prince. addition, Connor and Kel and were much calmer. To the extent that the two walked to the front of the group, about five meters. excited marched, following the rhythm of the song of the twins and repeating the refrain each time they came to him. They had no fear and, instead, spread encouragement. Especially Connor.
"Go, Dad "Said the boy turned on his heel to start walking backwards, looking at Darius. If you join the song more fun.
Darius liked when their children were smiling, but with the twins always felt a reasonable dose of bad feeling and chills, because they were a mischievous pair of incorrigible. Their smiles could not bode well. In contrast, Connor was different. Because when the boy smiled, everything was fine, Connor was one of those people who conveyed warmth and wellbeing with a single smile.
how tickled her lips, but I wanted to get you out the smile vanished from a stroke, even before it was formed.
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